Thursday, May 28, 2009

Your Wealthy Place!

We should never allow our challenges to cause us to miss entrance into our wealthy place. It is easy to focus on our Giants. We must not measure ourselves against our challenges. In Numbers 13:33, Israel said, "we look like grasshoppers in our own eyes." You should never view your challenges as bigger than you. The one thing you must remember; the same God that brought you through your Red Sea, brought down your Jericho wall, fed you manna and gave water in your dry place is still with you.

To enter your wealthy place you must separate yourself from negative thoughts and people. There were twelve spies sent out to explore this land flowing with milk and honey. Only two of them Caleb and Joshua believed that what God promised was worth the effort. The other ten talked the Israelites out of entering their wealthy place.

Focus on what God promised. God never promises that on your way to your prepared place there wouldn't be problems. Challenges don't mean God is displeased, but perhaps His desire is to get all the Glory as you enter your place of flow and abundance.

Don't allow your false perceptions of yourself that you're not ready, that you are too small and the wealthy place is too much for you cause you to miss out on your place of prosperity. Remember you are God’s chosen, and the goodness of God is upon you and in you. Now is the time for you to exit out of lack and to enter into your land flowing with milk and honey!

1 comment:

  1. "Now is the time for you to exit out of lack and to enter into your land flowing with milk and honey!" Now is definitely the time. Now is the acceptable time. The time of God's favor for His promises are sure.
