Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Get Your Swagger Back!

The idea of swagger is that of confidence. Swagger is something that all of us should desire to have. In times like these where there are so many uncertainties swagger for many has been lost. We were created by God as part of our DNA to win. Many things emotions of divorce, faultering economics, careers, marriage, relationship challenges are just a few to have caused us to lose our swagger (confidence).

Every champion has it (swagger). Michael Jordan and Majic Johnson premier professional atheletes walked on basketball court with swagger. Swagger says " I know that with God and the God given abilities He has given me, I will not fail, but succeed."

With many questions about finance, frustrations, and our future we all need to regain and keep our swagger. I know many have lost their swagger because we are beginning to question our abilities. For many we have begin to question will God come through. As I write to encourage you there is something on the inside of us that cannot be described medically, it is not visible from an xray, MRI, or medical report, it is "KNOW." KNOW is knowing that you know, that you know, that you know that you know, know that you know, know that GOD will come through, and I am on the verge of a major breakthrough. Remember how you looked in the mirror and you knew you looked good, you didn't need affirmation or confirmation. We must regain our swagger (confidence) in prayer (1John 5:14-16). We must regain our swagger in our faith (Hebrews 10:35) . Remember God designed us to enjoy life to full measure. Go to your next sales appointment, job interview, or face your next challenge with swagger (confidence), saying with God, I always win. Expect, Embrace, & Experience Victory!

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