Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How's Your Posture?

Many people are complaining about life, where they are, what’s going on around them, and why they are in the place they now sit or stand. But, one thing I want to talk about is what are you doing to change your posture? Many are disgruntled with career, finances, appearance, marriage and oddly enough even with themselves. I am writing to you as one that says you don’t have to remain in your present posture; it’s up to you to change your present position.

I am reminded of a man in John 5:7 who complained about no one to assist him into the pool. Stop looking for others to do what you can do for yourself.

Rather than continuing to grumble about your situation, you must make up in your mind to do something different. You must change how you view yourself. There must be a change in your perception about life and what it has to offer. Are you willing to do something different in order to experience in Christ what you’ve never experienced before? Jesus wants to give you a new stance, He is saying to you as you read this blog “rise.” You must take necessary steps to stop complaining and keep walking until you reach and achieve the goals set before you. You must also change your story that is to say, what you are speaking about your current status. Rather than speaking where you are begin to speak where you are going. “Life and death are in the power of the tongue and those that love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21

I have come to realize oftentimes it’s not how others view us, but how we view ourselves that matters. I want you to know nobody owes you anything, and according to Joshua 17:14-17, you can have as much as you can handle, if you are willing to work for it and fight for it.

It’s okay to want more out of life, you don’t have to feel guilty. “Things just don’t happen, you must plan.” A failure to plan is a plan to fail. Change does not come easy remember these words, the stance you take, the steps you take, changing your story, will ultimately change your posture. Now, once again how’s your posture?

I want to hear from you real soon, Expect, Embrace and Experience Victory!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Many people live life from abstract rather than real. The place God has for you is more than a spot on a map, it is attainable, achievable, available, and affordable.

I write to inspire you to take time to commit to your dreams, hopes and your goals. I write to inspire you to commit to your purpose, God, church and your family.

Commitment is something that many struggle to fulfill. The commitment to become healthy, and to manage finances, to paying off debts and to prepare for retirement can be a struggle. There are those who wrestle to commit to relationships and responsibilities. Many struggle to fulfill commitment to Honor God with the way we live and our commitments to serve with all of our heart, mind and souls.

Commitment is the willingness to go all the way, regardless whether the road is smooth or facing overwhelming challenges. God never promises that life will be smooth sailing and clear skies. Quite often we are faced with weeping moments, and terrible tears. But through it all God does promise that joy will return. (Psalm 30:5)

Christ demonstrates commitment to us in so many ways. First, He gave up riches in glory that through His poverty we might be rich. Secondly, He placed his deity on pause to assume earthly flesh. He vacated royal mansion and status to live in Nazareth, and become the son of a carpenter. He committed His life for our welfare, despite being ridicule, rejected, and refused. Commitment is evident through Christ’s life, enduring the pain of the cross and despising the shame of antagonistic insults. He knew know sins but died for our sins. His commitment is evident as He went in a cold and wet grave for three days. He didn’t stay there because of His commitment He got up! Still committed He promises to return and receive us unto Himself and the Father.

Next time you find yourself struggling with your commitment to your purpose, God, finances, to lose weight, your marriage, your dreams and aspirations, remember Christ and the level of commitment He exemplifies to go all the way.

I really want to hear from you.

Expect, Embrace & Experience Victory!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Don’t Apologize for Being Blessed!

In a recent conversation, I was asked for a sum of money to be given away. The person making the request stated, “ you know you got it.” My response was, yes I do! As the conversation continued, the person said, “it’s not fair that you have it and are so blessed." My response was, let me tell you how I got to this point, and how you can get there. I said to the person, I am not bragging, but let me testify about the goodness of God. If God didn’t want you and me to be blessed, He never should have given us the formula here in the word of God.

Based on Deuteronomy 28:1-2, states, “If you fully obey these commands, all these blessings will come upon you and accompany you. You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the field; the fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock, the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks; Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed; You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out; The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven; The Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The Lord your God will bless you in the land he is giving you; The Lord will grant you abundant prosperity; The Lord will open the heavens the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none; The Lord will make you the head, not the tail.”

I went on to share you’re looking at my glory, where I am without investigating my story. In years past, I may not have had, but when I became obedient to God’s word there was a shift. I remember feeling guilty in days passed that I was so blessed. But, when I read this passage of scripture it is God’s desire that we be overtaken with blessings. No longer do you and I have to apologize, feel guilty or keep it on the down low for what God has done, is doing, and will do! Share this blog with a friend, family member, co-worker even your enemy they too can live life as blessed as you.

Let me hear your feed back!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Your Wealthy Place!

We should never allow our challenges to cause us to miss entrance into our wealthy place. It is easy to focus on our Giants. We must not measure ourselves against our challenges. In Numbers 13:33, Israel said, "we look like grasshoppers in our own eyes." You should never view your challenges as bigger than you. The one thing you must remember; the same God that brought you through your Red Sea, brought down your Jericho wall, fed you manna and gave water in your dry place is still with you.

To enter your wealthy place you must separate yourself from negative thoughts and people. There were twelve spies sent out to explore this land flowing with milk and honey. Only two of them Caleb and Joshua believed that what God promised was worth the effort. The other ten talked the Israelites out of entering their wealthy place.

Focus on what God promised. God never promises that on your way to your prepared place there wouldn't be problems. Challenges don't mean God is displeased, but perhaps His desire is to get all the Glory as you enter your place of flow and abundance.

Don't allow your false perceptions of yourself that you're not ready, that you are too small and the wealthy place is too much for you cause you to miss out on your place of prosperity. Remember you are God’s chosen, and the goodness of God is upon you and in you. Now is the time for you to exit out of lack and to enter into your land flowing with milk and honey!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Get Your Swagger Back!

The idea of swagger is that of confidence. Swagger is something that all of us should desire to have. In times like these where there are so many uncertainties swagger for many has been lost. We were created by God as part of our DNA to win. Many things emotions of divorce, faultering economics, careers, marriage, relationship challenges are just a few to have caused us to lose our swagger (confidence).

Every champion has it (swagger). Michael Jordan and Majic Johnson premier professional atheletes walked on basketball court with swagger. Swagger says " I know that with God and the God given abilities He has given me, I will not fail, but succeed."

With many questions about finance, frustrations, and our future we all need to regain and keep our swagger. I know many have lost their swagger because we are beginning to question our abilities. For many we have begin to question will God come through. As I write to encourage you there is something on the inside of us that cannot be described medically, it is not visible from an xray, MRI, or medical report, it is "KNOW." KNOW is knowing that you know, that you know, that you know that you know, know that you know, know that GOD will come through, and I am on the verge of a major breakthrough. Remember how you looked in the mirror and you knew you looked good, you didn't need affirmation or confirmation. We must regain our swagger (confidence) in prayer (1John 5:14-16). We must regain our swagger in our faith (Hebrews 10:35) . Remember God designed us to enjoy life to full measure. Go to your next sales appointment, job interview, or face your next challenge with swagger (confidence), saying with God, I always win. Expect, Embrace, & Experience Victory!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

There must be more to life than going to work and paying bills everyday. Purpose is that which drives you second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour and day by day. Many people wake up every day in efforts to discover purpose. I write to encourage you to look beyond yourself for your purpose. In the book of Nehemiah, chapter 1 you will discover this man who sought and labored for the well being of his countrymen. He found purpose not in selfish apsirations of fortune and fame, but in selflessness service for mankind. His desire was to rebuild the city that had been ruined by Babylonian assertion and aggression. As you look around you and view the state of children, society, family, and communities that have become ruined by greed, drugs, sex, and the dumbing down of our educational systems, ask yourself what can I do to rebuild my community, touch the life of one young person or even volunteer in my church or school to bring pure meaning and purpose to my life.

When you find purpose do not become discouraged when your purpose is tested. It must be tested by people who have ill will. Your purpose is tested within you to challenge your commitment and your motives. In Nehemiah Chapter 6 Nehemiah's commitment was challenged. His response why should I attend to negative conversations, and people who are not adding value to my purpose.

In Nehemiah 6:15, Nehemiah completed his assignment. He was able to complete his assignment because he knew what he was called to do. I am praying for your purpose driven life assignment. Stay focused as you build a better world around you, you're also building a better you!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Stand Up!

In the 2009 Ms. America pageant contest on Sunday Ms. California became runner-up due to the answer given to a question concerning same sex marriage. Judge number 8 asked the question, how do you feel about same sex marriage? Ms. California stood firm on her belief. Before answering she stated, “I don’t want to offend anyone,” but I believe marriage should be instituted between a man and a woman.” Judge number 8 became angry because he is openly gay and took it upon himself to disqualify Ms. California’s answer, which lowered her score considerably.

In taking a stance for what she believed in she lost the contest. Sometimes in life you may have to take a stance that is unpopular, but Godly. I am writing this blog not to focus pro or con on same sex marriage, but to encourage you to stand for what you believe in your relationship with Jesus. My daddy always says, “if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.” The question I raise is will you stand for Jesus? , and be willing to place your dreams on the line. Or will you give in for the sake of the status quo?

In 1Kings 18:36-38, Elijah while standing on Mount Carmel stood against 450 prophets of Baal. The other prophets who were suppose to stand with him left fleeing for their lives. Yet, Elijah stood alone, and when he called on the Lord, God answered Him with Fire. Elijah stands and is deemed victorious, because he didn’t buckle while under pressure, he stood up for his beliefs and displayed great confidence in God.

I applaud Ms. California, for standing up for her beliefs. In her interview on the Today Show, Matt Lauer asked, “would you answer the question differently if given another chance?” Ms. California stated, “ my answer would be the same, even if it means giving up becoming Ms. America.” What are you willing to give up for the sake of your Christian values and beliefs? Ms. California loss the contest, but I believe greater things are ahead.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Stimulate your Relationship with Christ

What a great time to stimulate your relationship with Christ. The idea that Christ made it clear before His death "destroy the temple and in three days I will raise it up." This is significant because it demonstrates He knew his situation would be temporary.

This is encouraging to all who are feeling defeated, dejected, and experiencing despair, it's not over. Your grave experience is temporary and serves as a means to your greater purpose and ultimately propelling you to your destiny. I encourage you to predetermine in your mind this thought "it's not over until I win."

Get up and defy what has gripped your life in an attempt to hold you down. Remember expect, embrace and experience victory.

Pastor Christopher Chappell